Neuro Ophthalmology
Neuro-Ophthalmology is a super specialty that merges the fields of neurology and ophthalmology. Neuro-ophthalmologists are responsible for the diagnosis and management of complex systemic diseases of the nervous system that affect vision, eye movements and alignment, as well as pupillary reflexes.
Neuro Ophthalmology
Our eye experts will usually suggest for the patient to carry out certain tests in Neuro-Ophthalmology after a comprehensive eye examination, in case one needs special care. Often, the symptoms that prompt such a referral include those associated with optic nerve disease or diseases of the visual pathway (the nervous system component that connects the eyes to the brain). Other reasons could be the diseases affecting the pupils of the eye, and certain kinds of squint (especially paralytic).
The typical symptoms that could signify a neuro-ophthalmological problem include:
● Sudden decrease or loss of vision
● Sudden transient loss of vision (called transient ischemic attack or eye stroke)
● Visual hallucinations
● Double vision or diplopia
● Intractable headaches
● Pupillary abnormalities (sluggish reaction, the difference in size of the pupils)
● Sudden onset of difficulties in identifying colors ● Inability to tolerate bright light
● Visual Field Defects
● Squint or strabismus (especially adult onset)
Common Tests for Diagnosis and Management of Neuro-Ophthalmology Diseases:
A comprehensive eye examination is always the mainstay of the disease diagnosis. In addition to this, your doctor will also advise one or more of these special tests to conclude to plan your treatment. These tests include:
Orthoptic evaluation
● Evaluation of ocular movements
● Diplopia charting
● Neurological visual fields screening
● Optical coherence tomography of the optic nerve head
● Evaluation of contrast sensitivity and colour vision
● Imaging studies including CT scan, MRI and MR venogram
● Lumbar puncture