Social ophthalmology
Community Ophthalmology of the Emerald eye hospital and Retina centre is involved in the activities like comprehensive primary eye care services, outreach eye camps in community as well as schools for the blind, school vision screening, low vision rehabilitation, and in epidemiological research and surveys, training and capacity building, community awareness and mobilisation apart from academic activities. Outreach services also include screening of diabetic retinopathy in the underserved populations.
The department has dedicated teams that provide primary eye care services to poor and vulnerable communities as identified locations all over Pune. These centres have been identified in collaboration with the local state government and with the various collaborative NGOs to ensure maximum benefit to the communities. The department conducts comprehensive eye camps under the Reach-In-Program in areas around Pune.
● Special arrangements are made to support the management of patients requiring management under various ophthalmic subspecialties at the hospital.
● Under Low Vision Rehabilitation services organised by the department, people with visual disability are being provided with low vision aids and visual rehabilitation services in the form of counselling, issuance of disability certificates, mobility & orientation training, activities of daily living training and advice for environmental and lighting modification etc.
● Patients that can be managed with these centres / camps are provided medicines and refraction services on the spot. Patients requiring cataract surgery are transported to the hospital and get admitted and operated on.